Nothing much to say in this blog today.. simple look.... :-))
Just a lil note, since loli and I spend more time thinking of what title we could give to a picture, we decided to name it with the music we listening to at the moment, or a song stuck on our heads or anything.. I was listening to this beautiful relaxing music over and over.. So peaceful and so romantic...
Listening to: Gabriel Faurè Pavane Op. 50
Blogged by: Paris Honi
*Meriken Co
Dress: Meriken Co. "Doya" Tops+Skirt=Dress -blue-
**en Svale**
Jacket: **en Svale** Denim Jacket(Bleach)
Bag: (yorim's F)Fur_Bag(L)spine (New)
Shoes: [e] Flair Flats - Sand/Sea (New)
Watch: [BUKKA]watch brown(S)
EarthStones Jewelry
Bracelet: EarthStones Inlaid Link Bracelet - Lapis
Cream shop
Ring: (Creamshop) wood coin ring
Jollie Femme
Hair clip: JF - Light Blue Butterfly Hair Clip (left)
*SAIKIN and booN
Hair:booN MKT012 hair chocolate
Hairbase: booN gathered raised hairbase chocolate
Dr. Life
Skin:DrLife Skin Sandy-Tan(Modifiable Makeup)_open_e
Mother Goose's
Freckles: .::Mother Goose's::. freckle_1
Cheap Makeup
Eyemakeup: Cheap Makeup Double Wing Liner#8
Pose 1 left: *Fantasista*pose pack1-3
hate me and eat me
Pose 2 right: *Naked if i want to*

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