Hellooooo... Miss Apple May of Apply May Designs, released another "Teegan" skins with more steamy darker eye makeups.. As always these skins are flawless, beautiful and so cute.. I'm wearing here my girlie shape for a change and to see how that cute skin might look on it.. I think it's really super cute!!!!
Steamy Teegan comes with 4 makeups in each skin tone and with 7 tones to chose from (all shown below).
Would like to thank in this post Miss Patty90 Paul, the creator behind {*I <3FashiOn*} Brand.. Thank you so so much..
Blogged by: Paris Honi
Apple May Designs by: Apple May Dress:Apple May Designs - Summer Blossom (New)Skin: (AMD) Teegan - Peachy - Steamy 1 (New)
elly by Elly Naire
Shirt: elly::sleeveless.victorian blouse [orange] (New)
Le Poppycock by: Julliette Bade
Bag: Le Poppycock *Satchel* May group gift
Chantkare @Costa Rica
Hat: CHantkare sun hate femme 2011 (New)
LeLutka by: Thora Charron / Minnu Palen
{*I <3FashiOn*} by: PaTTy90 Paule
Necklace: {*I <3FashiOn*} Musician - Necklace (New)
miel by:Miel Nirvana/ Mika Nieupo
Bracelet: miel - FRIENDO bracelet
[elikatira] by: Elikapeka Tiramisu
Hair: [e] Break - Red 05 (New)
Rozena by: Lindsay Rozen
Eyes:ROZENA ~Real eye~ brown sugar
Izumiya by: Izumi Homewood Decor:
The Loft by: Colleen Desmoulins The LOFT - Book Stack
The Loft - Wisteria Dried Tree 1
{What Next} by: Winter Thorn
Wall Decor: {what next} Office-Study Wall Decal (free WOWOWOWO)
LISP Bazaar by: Pandora Popstar
LISP - Open Book (place on floor for read anim) (part of group gift)
Zoe's Garden by: Adele Rhiadra
*ZG* Book (part of *ZG* "Interlude" with Fence)
Full skin review:
4 Makeups in each skin (wearing Peachy below)
Skin Tones below: Gothly, Pale, Peachy, Tan. Carmel, Deep Tan, Dark

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